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Think you’ve seen it before? Look again…and get the shirt!

Think you’ve seen it before? Look again…and get the shirt!

Recently while surfing some streaming channels we came across the Italian dubbed horror movie, A Classic Horror Story and after a little research and watching the trailer we knew we needed to give it a whirl. Visually this movie looked incredible so the story had to be good….right?

Here is our quick little review.

At first the dubbing is a little annoying with the generic voices they use, but you kinda forget about it after awhile with all the things going on. I will say there are some pretty cool moments in this movie that make you say “WTF” to yourself a few times, but (no spoiler) find out later that everything is not exactly what it seems to be. All in all, this is a pretty good flick if you want to watch something that you feel like you’ve already seen and yes they do make reference to that a few times. If we need to give it a rating I would say 5.5, but this is the game where points don't matter. Go watch it and let us know what you think.

Inspired by dread.

After watching A Classic Horror Story, we felt this was a great candidate to add to our Slash and Chill line. Inspiration always comes from different things, but when we were making designs for the collection it was pretty clear to us what we wanted to do. Between the movie, the trailer and the still images there were some constant elements that we felt we could play with and in the end, came up with some cool options that we haven’t seen anywhere else.

So before you go off to create your own horror stories, take a look at the shirts that were inspired by the movie before they are gone!


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