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Get Ready for Spooky Fun: Monster Cereals and Their Frightful Friends Are Back!

Get Ready for Spooky Fun: Monster Cereals and Their Frightful Friends Are Back!

Can you believe we're already halfway to Halloween? It's that exciting time of the year when we start counting down the days until we can fully embrace the spookiness that comes with the season. And you know what that means - our beloved Cereal Monsters are making their grand return to store shelves!

I was scrolling through Twitter the other day, and guess what I stumbled upon? Our favorite breakfast buddies, Boo Berry, Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and the newest addition, Carmella Creeper, are back with a thrilling twist. General Mills is pulling out all the stops this year with their theme: "Monsters’ Frightful Friends." Isn't that just the coolest?

Picture this: each cereal box adorned with all-new marshmallows depicting the adorable pets of our monster pals. We're talking about a spider named Igor for Count Chocula, a bat buddy named Bennie for Franken Berry, a kitty companion named Meow Berry for Boo Berry, and even a slithery snake named Scratch for Carmella Creeper. How cute is that?

But wait, it gets even better! Alongside the individual boxes, we're in for a treat with the "Frightful Friends" mashup blend. It's like a monster party in a bowl, bringing together all the different cereals for the ultimate Halloween breakfast experience.

Can you imagine waking up to a bowl of cereal filled with spooky marshmallows and colorful goodness? It's the stuff of Halloween dreams!

So, mark your calendars and keep your eyes peeled, because these monstrous delights will be hitting store shelves before you know it. Let's get ready to kick off the spooky season in style with our favorite Monster Cereals and their Frightful Friends!

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